A Brief History of the School 1884 - 1889
The Second Headmaster - Mr John Smith
After four years, Mistress Higham moved on and was superseded by a Headmaster with the most English of names, John Smith. He was ably assisted by his wife, Emma Louise. This partnership really impressed Her Majesty's Inspector, who wrote in his first report:
"The children are in good order and since Mr.Smith has had charge of the school, he has brought about a remarkable improvement in the attainments."
This was received on December 25th 1885, so perhaps a little Christmas generosity shone through.
There was no Christmas holiday that year, but on 28th December Lady Harris invited all the scholars to tea on New Year's Eve. Seventy-nine of the children accepted Lady Harris' kind invitation and came home laden with presents off a large Christmas tree. Her Ladyship gave Emily Marsh a most magnificent doll and George Raines a handsome writing-case as extra presents on account of good attendance at school, they having made the highest number of attendances during the school year.
Log Book Entries
eptember 19th 1881
Re-opened school this morning with only seven scholars because the hops are not quite finished. So have not marked registers, and dismissed the children.
February 14th 1882
Punished Alfred, George and Harriet Lambkin for being late for the third time. Find they have been playing with their hoops.
April 25th 1882
Kept Class I boys from their recreation for loitering on the road after the bell went.
May 9th 1882
Tom Raines, one of the third standard scholars, died this morning. There is a great deal of sickness through the village amongst the children. Whooping cough very bad.
February 22nd 1887
Lady Harris expressed herself pleased with the performance of the children who took part in Friday's concert with Musical Drill and singing, and has sent them a present of a penny each in consequence.
November 5th 1888
'Guy Fawkes' Day - usual bad attendance.
February 9th 1891
Received a telegram stating that my sister was very ill, and that I should go to London at once if I wished to see her alive. School left in charge of Mrs. Pincott.
December 10th 1891
School full of smoke, and water dropping from ceiling onto children's heads.
November 1st 1892
Our dearly loved Rector, and Chairman of the Board passed peacefully away this evening. "They are not dead who live in hearts they leave behind".
May 1st 1893
Only 52 present - girls out Garlanding
May 8th 1893
The "hop-tying" nuisance has commenced, only 50 present.
March 14th 1894
R.Ditcher broke a window playing 'nip-cat. 'Nip-cat' playing forbidden in consequence.
March 14th 1894
Received complaints from Mrs.Bottle, stating that her child did not write words on the village buildings. Master had good authority for charging the girl with the offence and told her to clean the words off. There has been an epidemic of scribbling on walls and buildings in the village, and Master has started a crusade against such practices.
January 14th 1908
Master had made arrangements with the Public Vaccinator (Dr.Selby) to attend school today to vaccinate 64 of the children, but the doctor on further consideration has decided to visit the children's houses on Saturday, and hopes to persuade the parents to be done as well.
June 23rd 1908
Frank Robins died of appendicitis this morning; he was at school in good health on Friday.
June 27th 1908
School children attended funeral of Frank. The older boys acted as bearers, children sang hymns around the grave.
December 9th 1914
Admitted Martha Houghton, who has lived previously in the United States. She knows nothing, not a letter, and cannot write a mark at seven years of age!
March 2nd 1916
Mr. Read, Correspondent, sent a bushel of apples for the children, with an intimation that be would like them to have a half—holiday to celebrate his birthday.
January 17th 1918
School closed to allow children to attend the funeral of Mr. Read.
February 10th 1918
Very cold. When school began, the thermometer read 28°F. At 10am it was 31°F. Many of the inkpots were broken by the frozen ink bursting them.
July 20th 1922
Registers checked and found correct. signed: Harry F. Boucher.
January 29th 1926
My duties in this school end today.
23rd April 1889 - 29th Jan. 1926.
Fred T. Pincott.