Contact Details
- 01795890252
Kettle Hill Road, Eastling, Faversham, ME13 0BA
Primary School
What is FOES?
Friends of Eastling School (FOES) is a charity (charity no. 1056183) set up to advance the education of the pupils of Eastling Primary School (the School).
How Do We Do This?
We do this by providing the children at Eastling Primary School with a range of fun educational activities that complement the School’s work/calendar.
FOES also provides the School with funds for activities and equipment. In years past FOES has contributed to the wooden play equipment in the field, the purchase of a School minibus, technological equipment vital for teaching, the School Library, the in-School pantomime and numerous School trips.
FOES can’t do this without raising funds and we put on a number of events throughout the year, with the biggest being the Summer Fete – the next being held on Sunday 7th July 2024.
Who are We?
FOES is lucky to have a great bunch of regular helpers, being parents of School children from all the year groups, who organise events and make decisions on how FOES is run and how money is spent. In all we are:
Sarah (Vice-chair and Trustee) (Y4)
Abbie (Treasurer and Trustee) (Y5)
Kate (Secretary) (YR & Y3)
Kelly (YR & Y1)
Alex (YR1, Y3 and Y5)
Xanthe (Y2)
Holly (Y3)
Annabel (Y4, Y6)
Marianne (Y5)
Bel (Y6)
We are also very grateful to all the other parents who volunteer with events every year, they wouldn’t be successful without everyone’s input!
Do come and find us in the playground or contact us on if you have any thoughts on activities the children may enjoy or fundraising ideas.
School Year 2024-2025
Our new logo!
We are delighted with our beautiful new logo, designed by Harry. Lizzie, a fabulous graphic designer parent judged the competition. Lizzie had a hard time choosing from 25 wonderful entries.
We would also love to know of any ideas for activities or contacts you may have so we can help our children have the best experiences possible. Please do let us know your thoughts or companies or contacts that you think could work with FOES.
We know that finding time can be difficult but where you can spend some time helping with FOES we would love to hear from you. Whether you are an expert baker, event organiser, fundraiser, illustrator, photographer or something else – we want to hear from you! Please do contact us on any time.
Looking back .....
It was lovely getting to know Acorn’s and their Parents/carers, and to end Term 1 with the fun Halloween Disco.
Its been a busy one with FOES first ever Bingo Night (well done Abbie!) and moving to Cake Stalls on Fridays.
The Marlowe Theatre Panto was such fun all the children that went and set the Christmas season off with a lovely start.
It was wonderful seeing the children enjoy working out their money and thoughtfully choosing presents for family and friends at the Christmas Shopping Day.
Christmas Crafting was great fun and the children were so creative with their crafts and put so much effort in.
We are delighted with the response to the Christmas Raffle – thank you!
We are so grateful for the generous donations for Faversham Foodbank and Grow Baby!
In that spirit we thank Steve of Belmont House for the donation of the beautiful Christmas Tree and Julie (Julzcraft) who kindly donated an ornament for each pupil and teacher. The Tree looks splendid!
It really helps to show children the joy in the gift of giving.
We had a great time at the Burns Night Quiz with 5 teams and raising over £250! The children ended the term with some great fun at the pyjama disco!
The children smashed the Egg Dash, really enjoying themselves. We are delighted to have raised £709 which has been given to the School as a contribution towards an upgrade IT suite for the children. Thanks to Bridger’s Law donation of an Easter egg for each child FOES was able to run the event with no costs.
Over half of children created wonderful Easter Bonnets for the Easter bonnet parade. It is fantastic seeing so many children getting creative and enjoying the results. Thank you to Tesco for contributing towards the prizes.
Kettle Hill Road, Eastling, Faversham, ME13 0BA