Contact Details
- 01795890252
Kettle Hill Road, Eastling, Faversham, ME13 0BA
Primary School
Music at Eastling Primary School
The teaching of music is based upon the fact that it is a creative and social art to be enjoyed. Children have the opportunity to enjoy musical experiences through listening, singing, movement and dance and by playing instruments. Our music is taught by class teachers with guidance from the Charanga Music Scheme. You can find more about the scheme and what it taught within it by clicking on the links below. Within music lessons pupils are given the opportunity to learn the ocarina, the recorder as well as a range of pitched and unpitched percussion instruments. As well as this there are opportunities to listen, appraise, compose and improvise.
You can log in to your child’s YUMU music platform by using the link below. On here you will be able to follow what your child is learning in their music lessons at school and there is access to a variety of free resources including songs to learn and sing, musical activities and free tuition books for piano, guitar and recorder.
At Eastling School there is also the opportunity for children to have private lessons in Guitar, Drums and Piano through the Andrew Parry Music school and our piano teacher Fiona Hamer. Please contact the office if you are interested in your child starting private lessons.
We are also involved in many exciting extra-curricular events which enhance the music education of children at the school: Highsted School Christmas Music Festival; Young Voices- 02 Arena as well as the annual end of year production put on by Year 5 and 6.
Kettle Hill Road, Eastling, Faversham, ME13 0BA