Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education is a school subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. It helps children and young people to stay healthy and safe, while preparing them to make the most of life and work. Health, relationships, economic wellbeing and successful careers are all linked. PSHE is the glue that binds them together - it gathers all of these aspects of preparing for modern life together into a coherent curriculum subject.
PSHE education becomes statutory for all schools from September 2020. This includes Health Education and Relationships Education at key stages 1 and 2.
The Department for Education published statutory guidance, which sets out what schools must cover. The document covering relationships education for Primary Schools can be found here:
At Eastling Primary School, we follow the PSHE Association Programme of Study, which provides a comprehensive programme that integrates, but is not limited to, this statutory content. Even though much of ‘Living in the Wider World’ is not included in the statutory requirements, this core theme is equally important as studies show crucial early learning in primary years raises aspirations and broadens understanding of the world of work.
The statutory guidance is comprehensively covered by learning opportunities for each key stage across the Programme’s three core themes: ‘Health and Wellbeing’, ‘Relationships’, and ‘Living in the Wider World’. Our high quality PSHE programme also covers economic wellbeing, careers and enterprise education, as well as education for personal safety, including assessing and managing risk. Eastling’s PSHE programme builds upon learning as children progress through the key stages.