Contact Details
- 01795890252
Kettle Hill Road, Eastling, Faversham, ME13 0BA
Primary School
School Council Meeting 8th February 2023
Also, the little ones could create posters for ECO.
A ‘Special Wall’ for leavers would be nice. Perhaps kept in reception, where the date they started and left Eastling School could be displayed.
School Council Meeting minutes Wednesday 4.5.22 1p.m
Attended by
Ellie Y1
Matilda Y2
Mason Y3
Charlie Y4
Summer Y5
Henry Y6
Issues discussed
Opal – We discussed a play charter, which is an agreed set of rules to make sure everyone enjoys playtime. Play is a human right for children. Time was spent discussing and suggesting rules that would make sure everyone had an enjoyable and safe playtime.
Rules agreed on:
We play safely.
We share equipment fairly.
We take care of the equipment.
We put the equipment away tidily.
We play kindly and respectfully with others.
We listen to others.
We can play independently and collaboratively.
We have a choice of play and resources.
We ask adults to help if needed or if there is a problem.
Mrs Mansfield will type this charter up and get the school council representatives to sign it.
School Council Meeting minutes Tuesday 29.3.22 1p.m
Attended by
Ellie Y1
Matilda Y2
Mason Y3
Charlie Y4
Summer Y5
Henry Y6
Issues discussed
Opal – They all agreed they were enjoying sessions of outdoor play and liked the variety of resources.
Some of their views that we discussed were:
New trim trail/climbing equipment on field
When is this arriving?
School dinners
School Council Meeting Minutes
Thursday 16th September 2021
Attended by:
Ellie Year 1
Matilda Year 2
Mason Year 3
Charlie Year 4
Summer Year 5
Henry Year 6
Issues Discussed
Dear Parents
As you are aware our School Council play a vital part in school life at Eastling. Recently they have been focusing on redesigning our reception area. This has so far involved designing a welcome mat for which they chose both the design and colour. I am sure that you will agree this has already made an impact with lots of positive feedback being received. The school council decided that as our classes are named after trees, which are found in the locality of our school that a tree would also be a great idea in the reception area. Mr Brunger is leading the drawing and painting of this supported by a number of children from across the school. The school council have also led the introduction of the school coming up with some values. Each class suggested a number of values, which were then collated by the staff. The school values are:
These values will be part of everyday school life with one value being the focus each term. They will be central to assemblies, PSHE, circle time and every aspect of school life.
Kettle Hill Road, Eastling, Faversham, ME13 0BA