Contact Details
- 01795890252
Kettle Hill Road, Eastling, Faversham, ME13 0BA
Primary School
Eastling Primary School
Science Policy
Aims of the science policy:
1. To develop pupils’ enjoyment and interest in science
2. To develop pupils’ understanding of key scientific concepts and scientific skills.
3. To ensure that children understand the relevance of what it is that they are learning.
Policy written: January 2020
Science has changed our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity.
All pupils should be taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods and
uses of science.
Through building up a body of key foundational knowledge and concepts, they
should be encouraged to recognise the power of rational explanation and
develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena.
Principles of pedagogy
1. To ensure that children learn through a range of engaging activities;
including a variety of practical approaches, drama, singing, IT and
thinking challenges.
2. To encourage collaborative learning amongst the children.
3. To encourage independent learning. Children will be encouraged to
explore, perform investigative practical work and solve problems.
4. Careful planning and assessment will enable children to progress
without repetition of activities or content.
5. Differentiation, where appropriate, will allow all children to progress in
their learning.
6. Children will be encouraged to record in a range of ways. Teachers will
carefully identify the reasons for a particular method of recording.
Children will record independently when appropriate.
Coverage of the National Curriculum for Science
• Each year group will cover units of work as shown in our Science Long
Term Plan.
• Each of these units will be supported by the Kent Scheme of Work for
Science (2014), as well as ideas and activities from a range of other
Monitoring children’s achievements and attainments
• Every teacher is encouraged to develop a breadth of evidence relating
to children’s achievements. These could include: the children’s science
book, big books used by groups or the class, models, notes and
assessment sheets used by the teacher, and electronic examples of
children’s learning (e.g. video, graphs, their own concept cartoons, etc).
• Once a year all teaching staff will meet in order to perform some
moderation. Teachers will use their breadth of evidence to discuss
reasons for awarding particular levels to children.
• At the end of each topic, all teachers will update records to show where
the children are working at. This summative assessment will enable the
science leader to track children’s attainment over time. Children who
appear not be making the expected progress will be highlighted, and
actions will be taking to support them with developing the aspect of the
learning with which they are struggling with.
• The science leader will perform children interviews/pupil conferencing
throughout the year to assist the other teacher with making summative
judgements, as well identify aspects of the children’s learning that
require developing.
• The science leader will analyse end of Key Stage data, and will use this
to inform the other teachers as to how the children in the school are
progressing from year to year.
Monitoring provision for science in the school
• Each year the science leader will observe science lessons being taught
across the school. These observations will be used to identify areas of
strength and where learning can be better developed in the future.
• Each year the science leader will check that every class has covered the
aspects of science as indicated in the long term plan.
• The science leader will monitor the use of science resources
(equipment, IT, written materials, people, places and spaces) throughout
the year.
• The science leader will maintain a record of wider opportunities that
have been provided for the children.
Supporting the development of the learning and teaching of science
• The science leader will identify aspects of teachers’ practice that require
developing. He/she will help to provide the necessary support for this to
• The science leader, with support from all other staff, will ensure that
there are adequate amounts of resources, and that all of these are
stored in a manner that makes them easily accessible to all.
• The science leader will support colleagues with identifying ways to
enrich the coverage of the science learning. This could include visits,
visitors and competitions.
Health and Safety
• The safe use of equipment, materials, places and spaces is promoted at
all times. The Association for Science Education (ASE) document ‘Be
Safe’ has been adopted by the school as a guide to health and safety in
• All offsite activities will require the class teacher to perform a risk
• CLEAPSS will be contacted by teachers should they have a query
concerning health and safety.
Kettle Hill Road, Eastling, Faversham, ME13 0BA