Contact Details
- 01795890252
Kettle Hill Road, Eastling, Faversham, ME13 0BA
Primary School
Eastling Primary School
Charging and Remissions Policy
To ensure that during the school day, all children have full and free access to a broad and balanced curriculum.
The school day is 8.50am to 3.20 pm
It is the responsibility of the Headteacher, staff and governors to ensure that the following happens.
Organisation during the school day
All activities that are a necessary part of the National Curriculum will be provided free of charge. This includes any materials and equipment.
Unless the teaching is an essential part of either the National Curriculum or a public examination syllabus being followed by the pupil(s) we may ask for voluntary contributions for such activities during the school day which entail additional costs.
Voluntary contribution may be sought for activities during the school day which entail additional costs, for example the hire of a pool for swimming lessons or a school trip.
In these circumstances no pupil will be prevented from participating because his/her parent or carer cannot or will not make a contribution. If a particular activity cannot take place without some help from parents, this will be explained at the planning stage. An activity may be cancelled if not enough voluntary contributions are collected.
Optional activities outside of the school day
Clubs run by staff are free of charge, but there is a small charge for some other after school clubs. These clubs are charged at an hourly rate with some tutors charging extra for specialist tuition. Such activities are not part of the National Curriculum.
After School Clubs
This has a standard termly charge that covers the provision of childcare between the end of school and 4.30 pm at the latest.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Clubs are free of charge.
After School Club and Cinema Club KS1 and KS2 £2.50 per session
Residential Trips
Charges will be made for board and lodging. Pupils whose parents are in receipt of Income Support, Family Credit, Disability Working Allowance or an income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance can apply to the school for a reduction in their contribution.
Calculating Charges
When charges are made for any activity, whether during or outside of the school day, they will be based on the actual costs incurred, divided by the total number of pupils participating. There will be no levy on those who can pay to support those who can’t.
Parents who would qualify for support are those who are in receipt of Income Support, Family Credit, Disability Working Allowance or an income based Jobseeker’s Allowance.
Authorisation for the remission of charges will be made by the Headteacher.
The principles of best value will be applied when planning activities that incur costs to the school and/or charges to parents.
Replacement of Items
A charge may be made for replacement of any item of school property that is lost or damaged. The charge will be decided by the Headteacher.
Monitoring & Evaluation
The Finance Governors will monitor the impact of the policy by
Dated: 30th September 2021 Renewal Date: September 2023
Kettle Hill Road, Eastling, Faversham, ME13 0BA